Saturday, November 28, 2009


by 梁文音

那天我扬起帆 想看看未知的海
天空一样蔚蓝 却换了多少云彩
那时的你让我幸福百分百 是否为我等待

我知道 我的爱 一直都会存在
你知道我依赖多不想say goodbye
我知道 我的爱 一直都会存在
回头看爱 都在

站在你的门外 我决心不再徘徊
时间过的好快 想念却不曾更改
现在的你是否幸福百分百 我应该怎麽猜

我知道 我的爱 一直都会存在
你知道我依赖多不想say goodbye
我知道 我的爱 一直都会存在
回头看爱 都在

我知道 我的爱 一直都会存在
你知道我依赖多不想say goodbye
我知道 我的爱 一直都会存在
回头看爱 都在
爱一直 存在

Wednesday, November 4, 2009




“ 做什么事都一样, 不要一直等明天,
  这才是永恒 "



Saturday, October 31, 2009


Yesterday, my mood was down..and angry..
and it's the day i started to wonder whether i am happy with it or not..
am i going to hold on or let go??

Today, i decided to give it one more see whether i am fit into it..still a question mark..

I believe there will always be a door open for me when i close this door..God, do help me..

Now, i am struggling with my homework and assignment..gosh!!
Need energy n brain to done it..

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A friend to remember always

Yesterday morning, i received a message from an huey told me that my friend, yoke tien passed away. At first, i told her it cant be true, maybe someone played on her. But by the time i reached home and opened my facebook and i can felt the sadness of my friends. And i still cant believed that was true. Until i saw her picture on the news only i started to believed that she had gone forever n ever.

It is like a story of my friend, Sze Ning few years back who died in an accident. suddenly dissapeared from my world.

Yoke Tien was a friend of mine in the kindergarden. We sat on the same table and one day, Jeanette and I, we reached the school, St Henry earlier than Yoke Tien. As she was a princess in our class, she normally would used her sweet voice to wave and say goodbye to her mummy after her mummy sent her to school. We then followed her sweet voice to learn her words. Who knows, she cried and called her mummy back and in the end, we get scolded.

Going to standard one, i was in the different class with her but we still in the same school, SRK Convent. In primary school, there were often the vitagen's car or or anything coming to the school to ask the students to buy from them. I believed everyone having the same situation right?

One day, the vitagen's car came to our school and i remembered everyone buying except me. So, Yoke Tien share with me a bottle of vitagen and i was so appreciate the kindness of her and how princess she was. The funniest part was here, later after the school, she called to my house and told my mum that i drank her vitagen. I was so afraid by the time.
The next day, i paid her 60 cents (our time still cheap).

These stories make me have a interesting and funny childhood. In chinese, there are words said that we wont know each other if we didnt fight ( but we didnt fight, we fooled)

Till now, i never forget our stories. Because you are always be remembered. Although now you have been far apart from us. You had make my life wonderful and leaves memories for us.

I dont know the reason why you fell from the building, but i believed there will be a justice for you. So, friend, do rest in peace and we will pray for you.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Going back...

just come bac from genting trip few days ago..n it's time to forget about the holiday as the uni will reopen soon..
will go to kl first before going back to kampar..think about sun will go back to kampar then..
so sad~~
but 1 week after that, i will coming back to bp again for my grandfather 80's bday..
it's a very long journey from kampar to bp by taking bus..
but no choice i have to be back here..
genting trip is a gathering for playing, no wondering...just talking n joking..
but dunno y i was soooo tired at the second day where the day we heading back..
lazy to walk, lazy to talk..just lazy...
but, miss u guys now...
hope to c u all soon...
take care everyone^^


Monday, September 28, 2009


Its time to play!!!
Cant wait for 10 oct..yohooo...
Happy Holiday            ^v^

Friday, September 25, 2009


yeah..last to go....

so sad left me alone sista went back to bp dy...*sob*

must play kau kau when the time comes..bluek..

Sunday, September 20, 2009

1) 大名: 林诗婷
2)生日: 3月24日
3)谁传给你的: Ling Chee
4)生日想拿到什么礼物: everything as long it is sincere...
5)最近压力大的事: exam + keep fit..hahaha..
6)想做的事: play kau kau...sleep kau everything i every food i loves ( think only la..keep fit wey)
7)有没有喜欢的人: sure...
8)跟谁出去最幸福+快乐: everyone who i cares a lot..friends, family
9)如果你的好朋友吵架了,你会怎么做: console and wait for them to tell me the prob..hee..
10)最想和别人去那里: beach.......lov it^^
11)圣诞节想做什么: celebrate our anniversary...of course with the ONE!!
12)最想跟谁庆祝圣诞节: boyfriend..our anniversary mar...
13)最近在做什么: study,study,study.....nothing more can do..
14)有几个兄弟姐妹: one babi sister........HAHAHAHAHA.....+ other 4 babi cousin sister..
15)最喜欢的一首英文/华文歌: 依然是朋友
16)喜欢什么颜色: pinky
17)上厕所会不会冲水: of course!! who didnt flush de?? yeww........
18)喜欢男还是女生: both can be my best friends....
19)最想大大声说什么: pls stop the lecture *in the silent + boring class*
20)半夜敢不敢上厕所: yes..but not outside de room...
21)你现在最恨谁: ling chee...she tag me to fill this long form...tired man
22)现在喜欢做什么: studying *pui* sendiri also tak boleh tahan..haha..

23)睡相好不好看: dunno wor..close eyes i know ler??
24)现在的时间: 9.14 pm
25)是否厌恨传给你这卷子的人: a bit...muahahaha...
26)体重多少: keeping fit a secret..
27)今天天气: bout to rain
28)如果忙完了你最想做什么: have a big big rest n holidays
29)失眠后会怎样: no mood in doing things
30)你晚上睡觉会不会尿床: no
31)你晚上睡觉会不会流口水: no
32)你有没有吃过夜宵: sure
33)近期开心的事: jokes from everyone...
34)自由对你来说重要吗: moderate
35)你觉得在朋友当中谁最性感: ME dunno
36)你觉得你比较笨还是聪明:not clever not stupid...hahaha...coz no brain..
37)你比较喜欢爸爸还是妈妈: loves both
38)你现在最想看到谁: i prefer to see a thing more than ppl..can i have a look at the exam questions?? haha..
39)你爱看戏吗: yes..

40)你敢向你讨厌的人说"我恨你"吗:said it once...

你打算几时结婚啊: 27 or 28
你喜欢你的生活吗: yeap...with perfect family is enough..n lovely cousins..
相信塔罗牌吗: okok nia
睡觉前所做的事情:reading story true wey...
你的偶像: Daniel Chan update recently...
你喜欢的季节: winter
最想去的地方: korea
最讨厌怎样的性格的人: untidy + slow motion + no manners +everythings that are bad..
你会抽烟吗: no
你会喝酒吗: not really...few sips can la
你常哭吗: nope...
你常笑吗: depends on the situation..
想睡到几点: depends on what time i slept the night before
朋友和情人你会选谁: friends
机会+命运你会选谁: luck...happy go lucky!!
你有穿耳洞吗: yes
喜欢吃冰吗: erm...not really..
现在幸福吗: of course..besides study, my life is good enough for me...
最在乎谁: family and friends
房间里最重要的东西是什么: air-cond 
如果天使给你实现一个愿望,你想要什么: i want 100 more wishes...can let me use them slowly...
这个问题废吗: do u think angels really appear??
喜欢那个水果: kiwi
最怕人家问你什么: when want to get married...
喜欢下雪吗: yeap
下辈子要做什么: i dont want to have it
希望再被tag吗: dont want
你喜欢等人吗: hate it!!!

1 。被点到必填,不填代表你不尊重传给你的人和问卷
2 。请老实回答每一问题
3 。不能擅自涂改题目
4 。写完请点 10 位朋友,不可以不点
5 。完后请通知那 10 位朋友 被点到的朋友

1.sze ling
5.wee chian
6.huang lu huey

8.lee kuan yee

upside down

8 days more^^
My routine now is upside at night, sleep in the morning...
will this be normal back after the exam..if my mummy know it sure 'cham liao' hahaha...

i need teh tarik tonight!!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

15 days to go.....
i miss my home, n friendss~kuan, lu, cia, wendy, huey, n many many more...
dunno whether we can meet up by the time i at bp coz it's after raya..
probably most of them already go back into their jobs or school...

is suffering everytime when the exam reach..*sobs*
no entertainment, no games, NO FREEDOM!!!

somemore today so ' unlucky '
for the breakfast..i ordered milo "PENG"..instead of milo ice, milo panas-panas came...argh...the place was hot enough..
for the food, i ordered pan mee..normally is 'you mian' but today de mee so big..dont like the feel at all..but no choice..dah dibuat, nak macam mana ni!!

when at our uni library, i took out my books n left my bag the time i was holding my books, my pencil case dropped and my keychain (glass of black sand from langkawi) broke...*heart pain*

even though it doesnt cost much but still is a memory for me...
and is damn tired today...wanna study for the customer relationship management but study about 1 chapter dy dah tak boleh tahan...

God bless~~

Thursday, September 10, 2009


没有人要内疚 没需要原宥
在十字街头 就相互保佑
那些体贴问候 那美丽镜头

相爱这一场 可能是为了
还是好朋友 比爱人长久
在最寂寞的关头 永远在左右
事过情迁后 升华眼泪后
那无痛的伤口 还带着温柔到白头
只配做一对 好朋友

Monday, September 7, 2009


Tired of the everyday routine!!!!
Wanna make a change!!!!
Studying make me feel life contain only black n white :(

Thursday, September 3, 2009

緣份, 是一種很 炫的東西~~
當它存在之時,你可能不會珍惜;期待它到來時,它卻一直都不出現 。
所以,從此刻開始,大家要懂得珍惜它,珍惜生活在你 周圍的所有人,無論是朋友、愛人、甚至於家人.......cherish.....

在你一生當中,能交到多少個知心朋友 ??
雖然你們實際上才認識不久,不過感覺上卻像好久好久 。
就是你們很談得來,什麼都分享,什麼都聊,一輩子也 不厭倦的那種。
如果你有這種朋友,趕快對他說:這一生中最知心的朋 友就是你,絕對錯不了!!~

而且永遠也不會改變 !~

Intimate friends~~~
我們 有緣 而相識
我們 有緣 而相聚
我們 有緣 而交換心靈
我們應該彼此 珍惜 相處的每一刻
更應該 珍惜 你現在所擁有的一切

愛是百分之百 ,你 無時無刻 都在想、思念著他。
喜歡有百分之八十 ,你 常常 都會想到他、思念他。
而欣賞只剩百分之六十 ,你 只有偶爾 會想到、和思念著他。


當你欣賞一個人 ,你不見得 會喜歡他,也不見得會愛上他。
當你喜歡的一個人 ,有可能 你只是欣賞他,但你也有可能會愛上他。
當你愛一個人時 ,你一定是 基於欣賞,慢慢變成喜歡,然後最後成了愛。
當你和他搭訕時,剛開始那只是出於“欣賞” 。

當他們交往一段時間後,可能會變成“喜歡”,但也可 能永遠只能停留在“欣賞”,至於“愛”,很難說,說不定你一輩子都找不到。

我只能夠說出為什麼不喜歡一個人,卻說 不出為什麼喜歡一個人。
喜歡一個人,是一種感覺。 不喜歡一個 人,卻是事實。
愛情是忽然有一個人,我們覺得一見如故, 我們的內 分泌忽然起了翻天覆地的變化,很很想靠近她,想擁抱她。
以後,無論快樂或哀愁,我們也想不起當初為什麼愛她 。

Admire ?!?
如果劇本是自己寫的,我相信,這個世界裡再不會有悲 劇出現。
只可惜, 編劇一定是兩個人。
只要其中一方有了變話,這齣戲任你再怎 麼努力去演,到了最後只會成為悲劇。
但最終,只有一個可以幫你完成這齣劇 =)

Friendship :)
珍惜現在所擁有的,總比到時候完全失去了再也沒得的 好吧^_^

Thursday, August 27, 2009


我们还有好大好大的借口 喔~


Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Finally we are out from the cave!!!!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Adventure to Gua Tempurung

stairs that made me crazy

i was knocked by the stalactite..painful~~

nice view inside there

Thursday,20/8/09 12 of my classmates..we went for the ADVENTURE at Gua Tempurung..
others said they went there before,so not following us there...after the trip, i know y they rejected to go there again..haha..


i slept for more than 20 hours for the following two days but still feel tired..arghhhh...

but is actually fun inside there...

The journey start with about 1000++ stairs..make us sweat thorough...
and we were told the stone looks like this, looks like that.. Eg: eye, monkey riding car, women's leg, Osama, elephant, tiger, eagle (found by wee chian n john)..hahahaha...n many more

next come with a slides..ROCK SLIDE..*leg shakes*
is like we slides from the second floor of our house to the ground floor...damn scary..but this is not the most scary part among the all..the part that i fear the most was the hole that we were told to jump into it..OMG~~~ luckily John was in front of me to make the hole bigger *joking la* so that we can jump in easily.. i scared of this hole because of the sharp sharp stone were near to my face..if 1 scratch will ruin my face..*ouch*

Come to the last part of the journey was crawling under stalactite and stalagmite with the cold cold was mostly used up at here without we realised really tough noh~~~

The photos are copied from Charyene..haha..coz we unable to bring the camera was copied from looks exactly the same inside the cave..

i strongly recommend it to my 'young' friends to have the adventure a nice place for having a good teamwork n know more about your true!!!
coz i found i love my classmates more than ever..hahaha^^
thank you guys!!!

Genting trip will come soon!! Yahoo!!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Cant wait to go back lu~~~~

photo of AMINAH and me

Just a moment ago, i called my auntie..she went for her hand a small operation but hope she will recover soon..
In the meanwhile, Aminah (Marie aka a-bao) will serve her the best i think^^ a-yi, even though u recover dy also pretend not yet recover ya..with this u can fully utilize your M'sia maid, Aminah..hahahahahaha...if a-bao see this blog sure i will kena by her when i back to Batu Pahat next week..but i still cant control wor..
Somemore when we talk about the mask, everyone wearing now..and my cousin also kena the H1N1..we suggest to wear the panty as the mask..good idea isnt it!!!
*laugh till bend down* *blink* *blink*
Even the virus will pull hand break when entering to our nostril..hahahahaha...
Next thursday please come quickly^^

Thursday, August 13, 2009


So many people are sick now..'kia kia'~~
today i wore the mask to uni n i think im ok with it..
'prevent is better than cure huh'
of course..went to gym for a somekind of healthy lifestyle?? haha...just starting to keep fit..that's all..
If by wearing a mask can prevent from the disease..y not we just wear it??
People will laugh at us when we wear mask but when someone had the disease, would they laugh??
so, there's no 'pai seh-ing'..for concerning our own health..
Hopes everyone care for themselves^^

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Finally everything had settle...had a nice sleep from 8 to 10pm just now..
SO Satisfied...muahahaha,...
Thanks GOD everything goes smoothly and nicely..
and PERFECTLY!!!hahaha...
Gambateh for the finals...^^

Friday, August 7, 2009

Dont know what to say....

Feel bad.......after i read my cousin'z blog..
broke up?? does she know what is a relationship??
..she's still a kid n yet thinking of dead....
That make me angry and sad...raining mood now just the same as the weather as seem it shows my feelings to the world..
I know nothing about the matter but my cousiz seems to search for ways to torture herself..vomit, reject to consume food and then gastric...
Hope she can think about her family first before doing any STUPID things..

Sing K!!

Yesterday my classmate n 1, we went to sing k to release our pressure since we were all cover up by those assignment n test for more than one month..we shout out our heart n almost make me sore throat..haha..but its super fun..nice~~
Hope the next T3 concert coming soon!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Presentation day~~

Sooo 温馨


Tired of standing la~~~

My group members

My group de 大哥 n 一哥

Group 3

Group 2

Group 1-Eric like 'dai ko' wey
A-Zhi bday.."Happy Birthday to U"

Darling n me in formal..
Cant imagine a day with 3 presentation huh..but today seems to be very happy noh~~hahaha... First, finish all the assignment and most of the presentation had past..left only the oral presentation..hahaha..shiok!! Second, we had celebrated my friend, Lee Yen Jyh bday during our lunch time n de weather today not bad too.. Third, we had lots of fun during the EAP presentation where we can play during the presentation going on..people reading there ,we playing here..hahaha...this seem like all of us tend to 苦中做乐...muahahaha...see the photoss will know how enjoy we are in the presentation..
Fourth,we didnt go for MI lecture class n have a nice sleep...hoo..

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Darling's bday part II

hee~~like this

*make a wish* *make a wish*

Moustache wee chian

sis n mee


Agong + Sultan


Our vege steamboat
Big Family
Tonight my housemate n darling's friends celebrated for him...we had steamboat at grand kampar hotel..hehe..nice nice^^
after that..we decided to take some photoss..above there are some of our crazy pictures..super funny!!! *we laugh till the security come to us* opsss...but dat's really funny man...
four crazy men posing our agong n sultan's pose to take the photo..hahaha..
After that, we went to gold label for some drinks n blew the cake!!
After some battle..we were back to our home...
Such a wonderful day...
*Happy Birthday to my darling*

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Darling's bday part I

cake from T3

OMG!!! how my darling going to cut the cake??


C...what wee chian n john looking at???

Looks like buddy huh~~

My group membersss...

Soo hin looking for what???
Just a few moment ago, my classmates had celebrated my darling's bday for him at MM..
thank you to all my beloved classmates...T3 BOLEH!!!!
hahaha...more pictures will be upload to my blog after tomorrow ya..coz not in my phone..hee~~
Once again thank you for attending my darling's celebration...

John-Next time fetch people careful ar...dont let people see mar...haha..
Apple-thank you for helping me to buy the cake
Winnee-thank you for helping me to 'distribute' the cake..hahaha..muackzz..the kiss u give me make lots of people envy ler..xixi
Chi Fong-thank you for contact them to be there...
Soo Hin-thanks for fetching them here
Yong Wei-thanks for putting ur games aside and come ya..hahaha
Yinli-thank you for putting ur assignment n presentation aside n come^^muackzz
Felicia-thanks for helping me to bring the cake earlier to the people at mamak
Sze Yein-thanks for taking our photoss..hee
Jojo-thanks for ur unik..hahahaha...*dont angry huh*
A-Zhi-thanks for coming from eastlake..quite far away noh..
Shu Hwa-y so quiet Ooo...haha..thanks for coming ya^^
King-thanks for helping me to contact the others..
Eric-this man really the 1st time we yum cha together..really give face to wee chian lo..thank you^^
Hui ying-thank you for joining..eventhough u r not in our class but ur heart already in our class lo..chg to T3 la..haha..
Wai Ying-next time hug tight ya when sitting motor..hahahaha...if not will fly away..
Joscelyn-thank you so much..same like eric give face to wee chian ..haha..
Li-er-Thanks for coming..jia you in the presentation ya^^

Sunday, July 26, 2009


We went to ipoh for the "Harry Potter"..
Many people said the movie not nice but for me still ok la...not as bad as i think ..
after the movie, me n my sister went for shopping n have a cup of 'The Ultimate Extreme Coffee' at Coffee Bean..nice nice~~
Besides, we had also bought a pair of 'yan zhao' n a pair of Giordano clothes..hee~~
The thing that we want to buy the most was the Big Apple Donuts..huhuhu~~~bought a big one with 12 pieces..haha..have it till now...
Is a wonderful trip n we need to thanks to uncle raymond for fetching us there..kam siah Ooo~~

Friday, July 24, 2009

Nice view

My class till 8 o clock today..but the tutor let us go earlier at about 7.30 pm..
When we on the way back, we saw the sky and the cloud were so pretty...havent seen that before..or maybe didnt realize that the view was so nice before that...
Actually, kampar is a nice view place tho...